說到這一家店 Café Santiago, 似乎也是一家只有在地人才會知道的名店啊! 兩年前我拋棄在中國出差的葡人,獨自來波爾圖唸語言學校的時候,小小的生活圈就在這家店附近。每次只要在用餐時間經過這家店門口,就會看到長長的排隊人龍! 遠遠的看店名,當時才剛學葡文又不懂葡萄牙的飲食風俗的我,就傻傻的以為是一家咖啡店。等到葡人終於到波爾圖跟我會合之後,我就跟他說,那家店每次都有一堆人在排隊,可以去看一下他們在賣什麼嗎? 那是我第一次近距離接觸 Cafe Santiago!等到走近他們的玻璃窗一看,上面貼著一篇英、葡雙語的報導。斗大的英文標題寫著: the best Francesinha in Porto!!!!!!!!! 我....... 我..... 我之前到底是在害怕什麼啊? 為什麼不敢自己走近這家餐廳呢?? 差點就跟好吃的Francesinha擦肩而過了啊!!
兩年多來,到 Café Santiago用餐已經不計其數了!雖然在發現Bufete Fase 之後,我有變心了一下,但考量到服務態度以及食物美味度等等因素之後,Café Santiago還是奪回了她的寶座!
2011.02.10 更新
回覆刪除版主回覆:(12/03/2010 03:15:13 PM)
又,同理可證,其實義大利麵是乾掉的油麵~ (笑)
版主回覆:(01/02/2011 04:55:38 AM)
沒錯沒錯!我也踩過好多雷~ 改天把那些雷集結在一起好了~~ @@
Hi, nice to see ur blog. I am in Portugal and staying with my fiance.
回覆刪除Btw, I have read ur previous post about the language school in Combria. Now I know there will have an Intensive Porgtguese course for forenigers in Feb. As I also want to learn Portuguese as well but the issue is I am using my travel visia so that's mean I need to go when my visa expired then come back again. You memtioned that u went to take the language class in Portugal. Did you need to apply the student visa? If it's need, where should I go for apply that visa? Thanks!
版主回覆:(01/04/2011 02:43:36 PM)
sorry that if u posted in private message, u can't see my reply... so i have to make it public. if u need it to be deleted later, let me know.
i came here last feb. to attend the language course for foreigners. As for visa, bcz i married to a portuguese for more than 4 years, what i applied was a residence card.
i heard from some taiwanese, they went to Macau to apply student visa before coming to portugal, due to no portuguese diplomatic representative in taiwan.
good luck!
看起來就很讚的樣子! 溼答答的三明治XD
回覆刪除版主回覆:(01/06/2011 10:06:34 PM)
版大您好: 看到這道名菜的介紹讓我想在十月的西葡行排兩天造訪波爾多,請問這家店有公休日嗎??
回覆刪除版主回覆:(02/03/2011 11:36:05 PM)
有~ 星期天都會休息喔!